Lunch Log: 2016-11-04


Office was kinda busy today, and couldn’t get to the auditorium, so I went to an empty classroom. That was a bit intense.  Let’s start from the beginning though, yeah?

Starting off I had a huge rudder issue (or so I thought).  No matter how much I adjusted my trim, the quad was rotating.  I couldn’t even fly in a straight line.  So I sat down and looked at it and – sure enough – hair caught around the motor.  A quick off and on again, and I was flying perfect.

First I did a few laps around the room – good, basic flights.  Focused on stability and control. Focus was on being able to control where and what I did, as well as maintain as much elevation as I could.

Then the fun kicked in: I decided to do a low flight, about a foot off the ground, through the long rows of chairs and tables.  To say that was incredibly fun is an absolute understatement.  The best description I can give of it is the first-person view in A New Hope on the speederbikes

Seeing the chairs fly by, seeing the table legs fly by, all while I know one wrong twitch and bye-bye repaired frame.

And I’m proud to say – no crash, either.

Battery 2 was a disappointment.  I believe it had almost zero charge, and I got almost no flight out of it.

Battery three though made up for it.  Lots more  intense flying through chairs, and poked out into the hallway a few times to see students walking by.  Several laps around the room and through the chairs, and a safe landing at the end.

Also: No frame damage at this time!

Ham Progress

Been reading a bit in my book.  I need to find a highlighter as I want to highlight key things in the book as I read.  I also remember why I spent most of my college years not reading textbooks.  I learn better by doing.

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